Payzullaxanov Muxammade Sultanxan,Salomov Uktam,Kuchkarov Akmal,Mamatov Olmosbek,Xolmatov Abdurashid
Alloys based on Ba-Fe-O have been synthesized in a large solar furnace NGO “Physics-Sun”. The obtained barium hex ferrite with magnetic characteristics suitable for solving technical problems for the manufacture of protective coatings. The experimentally observed increase in the specific magnetization of BiFe0.75Ni0.25O3 with respect to the data obtained in nominally pure bismuth ferrite is associated both with the suppression of the cycloidal spin structure due to the partial substitution of nickel cations for iron cations and with the establishment of ferromagnetic exchange interaction between neighboring Fe3+ and Ni3+ ions. The results of ab initio (LSDA + U approximation of the DFT method) calculations of the band structure suggest that in the ground state BiFe0.75Ni0.25O3 is a semiconductor with a band gap of 1.94 eV.