The article presents the results of the analysis of the pregnancy rates of mares depending on the duration of the intervals from cloprostenol preparation injection to ovulation. It was found that with a decrease in the interval (≤7 days), the pregnancy rate decreases by 30% (p≤0.05). To determine the optimal time for cloprostenol use, an analysis of the intervals from injection to ovulation was performed, depending on the day of the sexual cycle and the largest follicle diameter. The average intervals before ovulation in the groups, depending on the day of injection (5, 6-7, 8-10, 11-15 days), have a duration from 8.5±0.4 to 11.1±0.5 days. However, it is difficult to predict the time of ovulation, since the duration of the interval from cloprostenol treatment to ovulation varies greatly, the difference in the extreme values in the groups can be from 8 to 13 days. More precisely, it is possible to predict the duration of the interval until the follicle reaches 35 mm with a known diameter of the largest follicle at the time of injection. In this way, in the group with the diameter of the largest follicle ≤22 mm, this interval is 7.13±0.17 days, from 23 to 26 mm - 4.59±0.16 days, from 27 to 30 mm - 2.91±0.13 days. The difference in the duration of the intervals before ovulation in these groups is more significant – from 5 to 11 days and depends on the individual duration of the mare estrus.
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