Astapchuk Irina,Nasonov Andrei
As a result of studying the antifungal activity of biological drugs against fungi of the genus Fusarium, causative agents of rot of roots and fruits of the apple tree, both weak and very strong mycoparasitism were noted, but in most variants of the experiment, competition for area of nutrition prevailed. Under the influence of some drugs, the shape, edge and color of the fungus colony changed. In general, for the entire sample of pathogens, the best bioagents were antagonists of the drug Trichocin, WP, which suppressed all 5 strains with Biological efficiency (BE) 50-90 % and showed hyperparasitism in 1 strain; and the drug Alirin B, WP, which inhibited the growth of 3 strains with BE 56-85 %, showing antibiosis or fungistatic antibiotic antagonism with the formation of a “sterile” zone.
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