Novikova Irina I.,Popova Elza V.,Kolesnikov Leonid E.,Priyatkin Nikolay S.,Kolesnikova Yulia R.
The influence of Bacillus subtilis strains and chitosan complexes on the soft wheat productivity and its infection with disease agents was determined in order to develop new preparative forms of polyfunctional biopreparations. The prospects of using polyfunctional preparations, combined the beneficial properties of microorganism strains as pathogen antagonists and chitosan as plant disease resistance activator has been shown the study. Their effectiveness has been convincingly demonstrated in protecting wheat from root rot, in increasing yields and improving grain quality Plants treated with complex preparation containing bacterial culture liquid (“Vitaplan, CL”) or its concentrate (“Vitaplan, CCL”) and Chitosan II had the best adaptive potential to agro-ecological environmental factors. At the same time, the «Vitaplan, CCL and Chitosan II» complex had the most pronounced protective properties. In the case of “Vitaplan, CL and Chitosan II» treatments, plants had the highest values of wheat potential (biological) yield. It was shown that the vegetative index NDVI, determined by the results of spectrometric analysis, can be used as an integral parameter of the biological effectiveness of polyfunctional biopreparations. The maximum value of NDVI was revealed in the case of “Vitaplan, CL and Chitosan II”
Reference7 articles.
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3. Use of beneficial bacteria and their secondary metabolites to control grapevine pathogen diseases
Cited by
5 articles.