State support for winemaking on the Don as a basis for the development of enotourism


Minasyan Larisa,Kaneeva Anna,Bakhtin Victor,Bozhko Daniil


The monitoring of the dynamics of viticulture development in the Rostov region in the process of implementing the Subprogram "Development of viticulture and winemaking" from 2020 to the present is presented. The expert recognition of the uniqueness of the Don wines, is explicated, and the trends of increasing the competitiveness of products are determined. It is proved that state support for winemaking is a systemforming factor in the development of sustainable wine tourism. The research methodology was based on the use of the content analysis, as well of structural and functional analysis, document analysis. The problematic points of development of viticulture, winemaking and their foundations for the functioning of enotourism in the region were considered taking into account the analysis of the situation given by Roskachestvo experts. The results of the secondary (2023) mass survey of residents of the Rostov region are presented. Significant progress has been identified in the awareness of the residents of the region about the quality of Don wine and increasing interest in enogastronomical tours. It is concluded that it is relevant to conduct a horizontal analysis of local clusters in order to more clearly identify the level of correlation of wine production and enotourism with related industries.


EDP Sciences

Reference38 articles.

1. Perspectives of wine tourism development in Rostov region

2. Resolution of the Head of the Administration of the Rostov region from 15.10.1996 № 348, URL: (accessed 07.03.2024)

3. Government of the Rostov region. The resolution of Oct. 17, 2018 No. 652. “About the approval of the state program of the Rostov region "Development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food". (accessed 07.03.2024)

4. Federal Law No. 468-FZ of 27.12.2019 (as amended on 08.12.2020) "On Viticulture and Winemaking in the Russian Federation" (accessed 07.03.2024)

5. Regional Law of the Rostov Region dated 21.06.2021 No. 491-ZS "On the Development of Viticulture and Winemaking in the Rostov Region". (accessed 01.03.2024







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