Yuldasheva Madina,Narziev Bakhtiyor,Mamatova Zamira,Khaydarova Sevara,Shomakhsudov Alisher
As a result of the study of the antimicrobial activity of selected probiotic preparations with isolated culture of Str.pyogenes, it has been found that the probiotic preparation Inoprovet2, prepared from Bac.subtilis, Bac. licheniformis, had the earliest and highest activity (starting from 6 hours the reduction of streptococcal culture was noted by 39 ±0.9, after 24 hours - 78 ±2.6, after 96 hours - 100%, i.e. destroys the pus microbe) compared to the others. Inoprovet1 differed from Inoprovet2 only by the quality of the excipient, but its activity was slightly lower (6 hours - 22 ±1.1, 24 hours - 53 ±3.9 and 96 hours - 100%), the third most active was Vitasporin12B probiotic (6 hours - 21 ±1.8, 24 hours - 51 ±2.3 and 96 hours - 98 hours - 98 ±4.2%), followed by Vetom 1. 2 (16±2.9 after 6 hours, 51±0.5 after 24 hours and after 96 hours 96±1.8%) and probiotic Sporovetin which showed antibacterial activity on killing streptococcal culture after 6 hours 16 ±2.9, after 24 hours 45 ±3.3 and after 96 hours 89±2.6%. The obtained results, the possibility of using Inoprovet2 probiotic in clinical practice not only for the treatment of gastroenteric infections but also for wound infections