Productivity and milk quality indicators of cows of the created “Bashkir type” black-and-white breed with the introduction of the balanced energy complex “Felucen K1-2” into the diet


Akmukhametov Ildar,Nigmatyanov Azat,Tagirov Khamit


The volume and quality of milk are the determining indicators of the efficiency of dairy farming. The diet of dairy cows has a significant impact on the biological parameters of milk productivity and production characteristics of milk. The work was carried out to determine the optimal dosage of the energy complex “Felucen K1-2” in the diet of cows of the created “Bashkir type” black-and-white breed in the conditions of the agricultural production complex “Hero” of the Chekmagushevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. To achieve this goal, milk productivity was determined for 100 days of lactation, for 305 days, and also determined the dynamics of average daily milk yield by month of lactation. For the experiment, 48 cows were selected, divided into 4 groups of 12 animals each. The energy complex “Felucen K1-2” was added to the diet of cows in the experimental groups in the amount of 250 g, 300 and 350 g of the additive per animal per day. The results of the studies indicate an increase in the mass fraction of fat and protein in milk from cows that consumed the energy complex. This is observed both in dynamics over the months of the experiment and in the total amount for the entire period of research. The use of the additive in the diet of animals showed its effectiveness and contributed to an increase in milk yield per cow and improvement in the quality of milk, while the maximum effectiveness was observed at an average dosage (300 g per day per cow).


EDP Sciences

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