Analysis of the levels of pollution in the Ujong Pancu Beach on Physical-Chemical Quality


Rusydi Ichsan,Irwan Irwan,Afdhal El Rahimi Sayyid,Ali Akbar Said,Amelia Karla,Muhammad Muhammad,Qowiyul Rahman Heru,Safir Alwan Nurza Imam


Checking and monitoring water quality pollution is an important thing to do. In general, tourist areas are more susceptible to water pollution. The Peukan Bada subdistrict area has Ujung Pancu beach with a length of ± 2 km and is a marine area that plays an important role for the surrounding community. The development of human activities that occur around coastal areas will have an impact on water pollution. The aim of this research is to determine the level of pollution that occurs in the waters of Ujung Pancu Beach using the Pollution Index method based on physicochemical measurements. Water quality values are measured based on water quality standards for marine tourism purposes in the Minister of Environment Decree No. 22 of 2021. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the result was that the level of pollution obtained was moderate pollution. The average value obtained at high tide is around 8.09 and at low tide around 8.47. Overall, the water quality parameters of Ujung Pancu beach need to be considered so that they are maintained so that they do not have a negative impact on tourist visits and marine tourism activities.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference22 articles.

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