1. Marine Terminal Technological Regulations (Novorossiysk, 2020)
2. Instruction on start-up and operation of OWWTP. Open drainage systems of CJSC KTK-R (Novorossiysk, 2021)
3. Oily wastewater treatment plant. Manual for training. Oil pipeline system of CJSC KTK-R (Novorossiysk, 2016) 45 p.
4. Glukhov V.V., Nekrasova T.P., Economic foundations of ecology (Piter, SPb., 2013) 384 p.
5. Fedorov A.I., Nikolskaya A.N., Practicum on ecology and environmental protection: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions (VLADOS, Moscow, 2021) 288 p.