1. Inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of CJSC “Poultry Farm “Novorossiysk (LLC “NIPIOTstrom”, Novorossiysk, 2019) 199 p.
2. Draft norms of maximum permissible atmospheric emissions of CJSC “Poultry Farm “Novorossiysk” (Consultant Eco, Novorossiysk, 2021) 215 p.
3. Draft waste generation norms and limits for their disposal CJSC Poultry Farm “Novorossiysk” (Scientific and Production Firm “Ecologist”, Gelendzhik, 2021) 135 p.
4. Fedorova A.I., Nikolskaya A.N., Practicum on ecology and environmental protection: Textbook for universities (Humanitarian Publishing Centre Vlados, Moscow, 2020) 287 p.
5. Shmyga F.A. Methodical recommendations on designing systems for removal, treatment, disinfection, storage and utilisation of manure and dung (Kolos, Moscow, 2008) pp. 60–73