1. Baulin A.V., Perunov A.S., Construction control in the work execution project // Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2021, No. 4
2. Lapidus A.A., Skudar F.M., Nazarova K.A., Features of construction control of unique buildings above 100 m // Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2022, No. 5
3. Unification of Control Measures During Building Control
4. Kuzmina T.K., Akimova E.A., Bolshakov A.N., Features of interaction betweenparticipants in the construction control system of capital construction objects // Engineering Bulletin of the Don. – 2023. – No. 8(104). – pp. 451-466.
5. Development of a three-tier system of parameters in the formation of the organizational and technological potential of using non-destructive testing methods