Effect of new bedding material on morpho-biochemical and immunological factors of gosling blood


Sofronov Vladimir,Fayzrakhmanov Ramil,Danilova Nadezhda,Kuznetsova Elena


The purpose of research and production experiment in the conditions of Akhmetov farm located in the Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan was to study the harmlessness of new sanitary bedding material and the effect on gosling broilers. The experiment evidenced that a new sanitary bedding material made of woodworking waste, thermochemically and biotechnologically treated, does not have an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eye, nor does it provoke allergic reactions in rabbits, but, on the contrary, improves certain morphobiochemical and immunological factors of gosling blood. Ultimately, this resulted in accelerated red blood cells by 6.94 %, hemoglobin – 5.20 %, total protein – 6.30 %, γ-globulin – 9.38 %, total calcium – 6.14 %, inorganic phosphorus – 5.31 %, glucose – 5.38 %, increased phagocytic activity by 2.24 %, phagocytic number – 4.37 %, and increased number of S. Marcescens-stimulated cells through the NBT test by 5.17 % compared with the control, respectively. The data obtained are consistent with the advanced livestock viability in the experiment by 1.8 %, as compared with the control.


EDP Sciences

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