Gazetdinov Shamil M.,Gazetdinov Mirsharip Kh.,Semicheva Olga S.,Gatina Farida F.
The article discusses the ways to increase the efficiency of the use of commodity stocks and supplies in the course of production and sale. It is argued that the improvement of the organization of material management is one of the most important factors in the increase of the efficiency of using huge volumes of raw materials in agricultural production along with the introduction of new equipment and technology. The implementation of this concept in large agricultural facilities provides savings of millions of rubles a year by reducing the level of stocks, accelerating the turnover of funds invested in materials, technical equipment, etc., which gives the same profit growth as the increase of the sales of products by 20 %. The main tools of the mechanism for the mobilization of these reserves are considered: further improvement of the existing linear-functional apparatus due to the redistribution of rights and responsibilities for the management of the material and technical flow between different units in order to coordinate their work and the use in the field of stock management of logistics structures. It is proposed that in the formation of logistics systems, the main attention should be focused not so much on organizing the work of each of the functional subsystems of management individually, but on the coordination of their efforts to achieve the ultimate goals of integrated agricultural formation.