Waskitho Nugroho Tri,Amelida Risaka Desi,Wibowo Febri Arif Cahyo,Jani Yahya,Aryanti Nirmala Ayu
Bojonegoro Regency has an oil mining location where it is estimated that Indonesia’s crude oil reserves are 25 % of national needs. The location is in Forest Management Unit (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan - KPH) Parengan which has a teak forest (Tectona grandis L.) with a very close oil mining radius. The aim of the research is to determine the differences in the characteristics of teak growing places and to determine the types of petroleum fractions in active oil mines, former oil mines and those without oil mines. The research method uses a circle plot (17.8 m) with a Sampling Intensity (IS) of 20 % with data analysis results using a one sample test and a Least Significant Difference (LSD) alpha test of 5 %. The characteristics of the teak growing area at each location have different values for height, P content, C content, number of oil fractions and temperature. The types of petroleum fractions in active oil mines are naphtha, kerosene, fuel oil and wax. Ex-oil mines contain gasoline (premium), kerosene, aviation fuel, light gas, fuel oil, lubricating oil, wax and asphalt. In locations without oil mines there is kerosene, aviation fuel, gasoline (premium) and light gas.