Rahmi Rahmi,Ahmad Ashfa,Yulianur Alfiansyah,Ramli Ichwana,Izzaty Atika
Flooding in a watershed is caused by the disruption of hydrological functions and physical factors of the watershed, as well as human activities. In the Krueng Baro watershed, several sub-districts experience flooding twice a year. To mitigate this problem, a study was conducted to spatially analyze flood-prone areas based on biophysical factors. Primary data from Landsat imagery use for land cover/land use) and secondary data (rainfall, soil type, and slope, were analyzed using ArcGIS 10.8. Each parameter was scored, and the overlay analysis resulted in a distribution of flood susceptibility in the Krueng Baro watershed. River density was found to have a significant impact on flood susceptibility, and settlements, agricultural land, slopes, and low altitudes were identified as highly vulnerable areas. The distribution of flood susceptibility in the Krueng Baro watershed was classified as very high and high (38.35%), moderate (21.60%), and low/very low (39.86%). Flood control methods such as mechanical and vegetation conservation, and community involvement, must be implemented to mitigate flooding in the affected areas.
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