Saidov Farrukh,Naimov Shokhida,Akhmedova Nilufar,Ruziyev Zarif,Nurulloyev Sukhrob,Madaripova Dildora
The Covid-19 disease is a new, unexplored problem for mankind. In a short time, the epidemic of the new coronavirus infection has spread to more than 200 countries. Changes in blood parameters are important for understanding the pathogenesis of this disease and for improving the treatment and diagnosis of COVID-19. The patients with coronavirus infection were evaluated according to the severity of the clinical symptoms and peripheral blood analysis. The general blood analysis showed that in the group of critically ill patients there was an increase in the number of leukocytes at the expense of neutrophils with segmental nuclei and rod nuclei. High reliable values of neutrophils and lymphocytes in peripheral blood were obtained as the most important predictors of severity of illness and risk of lethal outcome in patients.