Aslan La Ode M.,Iba W.,Nurdin A.R.,Rahim M.,Kamilah S.,Zikri M.,Yuniar S.,Ramayana ,Sariana
Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed was widely cultivated in Southeast Sulawesi. However, due to deteriorating water quality, E. denticulatum is gradually becoming its successor. This study aimed to observe three aspects: the activities of Eeucheuma. denticulatum farming based on nine criteria, the adoption level of the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), and to outline tasks to increase the production of E. denticulatum. The study involved interviewing 59 seaweed farmers using questionnaires. The results showed that among the nine criteria observed, four—seed selection, transportation of seeds, cultivation method, and maintenance monitoring—fall into the highly adopted category, exceeding 70%. One criterion, cultivation method, falls within the medium adoption range (50-69%). Three criteria—farmer profile, farm unit profile, and postharvest documentation and traceability—remain in the low adoption category (<50%). Several future programs need to be addressed, including providing guidance, training, and assistance to farmer groups, managing plastic bottle waste to enhance environmental friendliness, and improving documentation and traceability of seaweed farming.
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