Ade Maya Dian Arianti,Satrio Aji Wicaksono,Zayyin Asrofi Muhammad,Fitria Putri Ratih
Jawa Tengah is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has high agricultural productivity. That way, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the carrying capacity of agricultural land in Jawa Tengah Province in 2022. The method used to calculate population pressure and the carrying capacity of agricultural land is the Soemarwoto method which is suitable for local conditions and can assess the factors that affect the level of carrying capacity of land in an area. Jawa Tengah Province has a carrying capacity of agricultural land of 1.43. The value of population pressure in Jawa Tengah Province with a dominance of less than 1 indicates that districts/cities in Jawa Tengah Province are dominated by the carrying capacity of high agricultural land. The high rate of population growth and not accompanied by an area of land capable of supporting the needs of the population can be a threat to the availability of sustainable agricultural land.
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