Technology of organization and comprehensive assessment of sports activities of judoka students


Kadirov Rashid Xamidovich,Azimov Laziz Axrorovich


The article deals with the organization of extracurricular activities of students studying in various educational areas of the university through classes in judo circles, general and special training, the development of aspects of competitive activity and integrated assessment technologies. On the basis of the university, was formed a group of judo and 20 students, differing in levels of mutual training and weight categories, and the circle’s classes are based on such feedback principles as current and final control, general and special physical training, individualization of the content of judo classes depending on age and level of training and sports qualifications. simultaneous increase in sports activity. According to the results of an experimental test of the effectiveness of specially organized university group classes in the 2023-24 academic year, it was found that the effectiveness of the training methodology has sufficient validity with a significant difference in the results of judo students at the beginning and at the end of the academic semester p < 0. 001 (significance level 99%). The priority of the competitive method as one of the conditions for increasing the motivation of students to study in judo circles, as well as an experimentally based technology for a comprehensive assessment of general sports activities by planning means of general physical, special physical and pre-competitive training, allowing to develop aspects of sports training.


EDP Sciences

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