Kokhan Sergey,Grabovskaya Yana,Vinogradova Nina,Nadeina Luiza
The article deals with the problem of visual defects compensation for psychophysiological activity and adaptation of students in the process of studying at a university. The aim of the study was to test the effect of showdown training on several indicators of growth in physical activity and capabilities, including psychological adaptation. The data obtained from showdown classes in combination with APE showed a significant decrease in the general experience of students with visual impairment, the quality of interpersonal communication and communication capabilities increased. There was also a significant increase in the range of motion in the joints, an improvement in fine motor skills of the hands, and the rate of hand movements. The results of the experiment show that showdown is a promising effective option for classes and trainings that contribute to the improvement of physical activity, psychological adaptation and a positive effect on physical activity and endurance of students with abnormal vision of students at the university.