IoT-Based Grapevine Watering System Design and Soil Condition Monitoring


Evan Agil,Sarosa Moechamaad,Diana Lis,Andri Rosa,Kusumawardani Mila,Firmanda Dimas


Cultivating grapevines can be in the yard or together with other plants so that grapes are a plant product that needs to be developed. If you cultivate grapevines by knowing the evaluation of the environmental conditions of the soil, to the need for nutrients and water consistently. Grape plants can be predicted for their quality and yield, and can even identify their development from bud to fertilization. By using an Arduino Nano microcontroller as a control system equipped with sensors to measure and monitor soil environmental conditions. The sensors are NPK, soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, and pH sensor that complement the Arduino Nano microcontroller. Utilizing the lower and upper limit values to automatically water the water and liquid nutrients based on the measurement results. So that the pump is active according to the condition of NPK and soil moisture. Through the use of IoT technology, this research has monitored the condition of the soil environment. With a strong internet connection, this sensor has collected accurate measured information of soil environmental conditions and can also be seen on the Android App. This has contributed significantly to the development of grape farming. Grape vines are more easily monitored and watered regularly.


EDP Sciences

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