Handayani Nursasi,Gofur Abdul
The side effects of using natural ingredients as antifertility are minor compared to antifertility made from synthetic chemicals. This study aimed to examine the impact of pulutan (Urena lobata L) leaf decoction on the fertility of male Balb C mice (Mus musculus), reviewed for their effect on testosterone hormone levels in mice. Male mice aged 10-12 weeks were given five pulutan leaves, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, and controls. Gavage is provided for 36 days. The sample used to measure testosterone levels is the blood and sperm count of mice. Data were analyzed by single ANOVA followed by an LSD test. The results showed that pulutan leaf decoction at the treatment concentration tended to cause the testosterone hormone concentration to be lower than the control. So, it is expected that the decoction of pulutan leaves will potentially be male antifertility.
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