Effect of Growing Media Types with the Addition of PGR and Mung Bean Sprouts Extract on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Granola In Vitro Multiplication


Asharo Rizal Koen,Indrayanti Reni,Nathania Nathania,Setyaningsih Fani,Sholichah Bunga Al-Mar’Atu,Nasikah Arin,Achmad Farhana Faridah,Karina Karina


The use of MS media in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Granola tissue culture has implications for high prices. Therefore, the use of foliar fertilizer is used as a comparison due to its low price. To increase the growth of potato plants in addition to synthetic plant growth regulators (PGR), extracts of organic matter can be added, one of which is mung bean sprouts extract (MBSE). This study aims to obtain the optimum type of growing medium, the combination of synthetic PGR and MBSE in potato in vitro multiplication. The research methods are (1) in vitro shoot induction and multiplication of potatoes; and (2) in vitro root induction of potato shoots. The results on the parameter number of shoots were obtained 1.75 ± 0.25 for MS media and 2.36 ± 0.34 for synthetic PGR, the number of nodes on the interaction of MS media and synthetic PGR obtained 9.33 ± 1.14, and the number of leaves obtained 2.16±0.27 on MS media. The percentage of live explants obtained was 75.6% for MS media and 22.2% for Growmore media. The highest number of roots in the parameter is 4.15 and the average root length is 3.41 cm.


EDP Sciences

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