Sinaga Antonya Rumondang,Sembada Pria,Ayuningtyas Gilang,Kusumanti Ima,Bachtiar Willy,Riyanti Lilis
This study explores the use of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae in integrated farming to support sustainable agriculture. Integrated farming systems, particularly the utilization of BSF larvae for organic waste management, animal feed production, and soil enhancement, are crucial in addressing challenges in regions like Bogor, West Java, which face issues such as organic waste management, soil degradation, and high animal feed costs. The objective is to study the integration process between BSF maggot production and the livestock sector, specifically quail layer production, and to develop and implement an integration model to support sustainable farming. The research design involved two steps: implementing an initial model from July 2023 until June 2024 through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and in-depth interviews, followed by qualitative analysis. Results indicate the initial model was successfully applied, demonstrating the feasibility of integrating BSF larvae bioconversion into quail farming. The study found potential for developing a more comprehensive model applicable to the study location and adaptable to other regions. This research highlights the importance of innovative waste management solutions in agriculture to promote sustainability through integrated farming systems.
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