Rahmawati Nahardian Vica,Munaa Nihayatul,Ummah Faizatul
Lean healthcare is a new concept in hospital management that not only focus on patient value but also efficiency. This study aimed to understand how far the employees bring lean healthcare implementation in to their daily work. Lean healthcare phylosophy tend to built a lean culture. This study used a descriptive qualitative study design with lean team in several unit in Panti Rapih Hospital. This study adopted an instrument of Lean in Healthcare Quistionaire which measure four domain principal of lean, they are pylosophy, process, people and partner, and problem solving. Result of this study showed that not all indicators have met the highest level of maturity of lean healthcare implementation. Indicator standardization still low in the iplementation, in the other hand rewarding staff system is Panti rapih Hospital already design and have the haighest score. The management should focus on the improvement of job evaluation process with a certain indicator or procedures. Threfore, the employee’s performance can be improve directly from the result of evaluation.