The studies of plants’ assimilation activity of the Triticum carthlicum Nevski. (=Triticum persicum Vav.) tetraploid species’ variety samples have been carried out in the subtaiga zone (Aromashevo) and the northern forest-steppe zone (Tyumen). The number of leaves on plants by zones varied from three to five. Measurements showed that the lamina length varied from 6.4-23.7% in the northern forest-steppe zone and from 0 to 21.9% in Aromashevo. The lamina area on the main shoot of the Triticum carthlicum Nevski variety samples in the northern forest-steppe zone amounted to 62.3 cm2, which was 26 cm2 less than in the subtaiga zone. Calculation of net photosynthetic productivity in northern forest-steppe zone showed that Triticum carthlicum Nevski variety samples formed from 10.864g*m2/day to 20.764 g*m2/day, giving way to durum and soft wheat. In the subtaiga zone, PPn of Triticum carthlicum Nevski wheat varied from 9.088 to 13.827 g*m2/day, significantly yielding Bezenchukskaya 139 variety.
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