Optimization of Effective Working Hours for Coal Transportation from Rom to Port: Study at Pt. Maruwai Coal Central Kalimantan


Tampubolon Erwin,Haryo Dwito Armono


Adaro Mineral Indonesia is one of the pillars of Adaro's mining business which focuses on coking coal mining in Central Kalimantan, planning to increase its coal production. The aim of this research is to optimize effective working hours for transporting coal from ROM to the port. This is done to increase the low productivity of coal transportation activities from mines to ports, which will bring benefits in the form of increased operational efficiency. This research was conducted quantitatively. The data used is primary data and secondary data. Primary data in this research was obtained from direct observations in the coal transportation area from the ROM of coal products to port, which includes cycle time, rain duration, shift changes, road conditions. The research method was carried out quantitatively. Optimization of coal transportation can be improved by improving delay parameters, improving communication between transportation operators, carrying out real time communication and data validation, expanding the Change Shift Area, fulfilling man power, making strip maps and road worthiness tests, making work plans, as well as procurement of gravel material and hauling road maintenance as well as All Weather Road conditions.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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