Chetverikova Irina,Shevtsov Аlexander,Serdyukova Natalya
Heat pump technology for utilisation of heat of secondary energy resources in catalytic method of production of biodiesel fuel is implemented. Algorithm for control of technological parameters at all stages of production of biodiesel fuel is proposed and analysis of parameters of its quality is performed. Heat pump system is represented in the form of two recirculation circuits of low-potential and high-potential heat carriers, preparation of which was carried out in stages of low and high pressure of heat pump. Exergetic analysis was performed, functional dependencies of exergy flows coming out of the considered types of process equipment were obtained. The obtained hybesel fuel complied with the requirements of GOST 23513-79. The proposed heat pump technology reduced specific energy consumption by 13-14%; improve environmental safety at all stages of the process; maximum reduction of spent heat carriers emission into the ambient atmosphere.