Gerieva Fatima,Gazdanova Irina,Pukhaev Andrey
In biologized agricultural production, together with minimized chemical agents, promising preparations based on various subspecies of spore-forming bacteria are widely used. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of biological preparations of Kartofin (based on the Bacillus subtilis strain I5-12/23) and BisolbiSan, (based on the Bacillus subtilis strain h-13) according to the following indicators: – germination of tubers, plant growth and development, prevalence and development of diseases on plants, crop weight and its marketability. The results of the studies showed that pre-planting treatment of seed tubers with Kartofin and BisolbiSan biologics had a positive effect on the germination of potato tubers, increasing it by 6.3 – 8.7% compared to the control. Under field conditions they showed high biological effectiveness against pathogens of fungal diseases of potatoes: late blight (from 37.5% to 100%). Accounting for the total yield showed that the highest yield indicators were noted on the variant with the use of the biological preparation BisolbiSan – 38.4 t/ha (20.5% higher than the control variant).
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