1. Kapotov A. S., The use of franchising for business development. In the collection: Management and economics of the national economy of Russia. Collection of articles of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Penza, 2023. pp. 170-173 (2023)
2. Tolmachev A. R., Stolyarova A. N., Problems of using franchising in the context of digitalization. In the collection: Trade of the future: challenges of the time, concepts, strategies and development models. Materials of the International Annual Scientific Forum. Moscow, 2023. pp. 176-181 (2023)
3. Savitsky D. G., Models of consolidation of norms regulating franchising in Russia and foreign countries. In the collection: science, innovation, education: topical issues of the xxi century. Collection of articles in the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Penza, 2023. pp. 85-87 (2023)
4. Impact factors and structural analysis of the state's financial security