In Uzbekistan, efforts are being made to further develop fisheries based on the study of world experience. In 2024, it is planned to increase the volume of fish production to 900,000 tons, and with the development of fisheries, improving its feed base is becoming one of the main tasks. Taking into account that mainly herbivorous fish are raised in Uzbekistan, it is planned to feed them with green grass. For this purpose, a device that chops green grass was developed. Taking into account that the chopped feed in this device contains feed of different sizes, this device has been improved by installing a sieve device that separates these feeds into 2-3 fractions depending on their size. In the improved device with a sieve separation device, green grass with a moisture content of 70-80% is chopped and divided into fractions. The amount of nutrients that differ in size is not more than 5%; the indestructibility of chopped and unchopped feeds should be no more than 2%. Currently, an experimental sample of the device has been made, and now its experimental tests are being conducted to determine the optimal parameters and operating modes that satisfy the above requirements.