Entrepreneurial Spirit Among University Students in Indonesia


Indriyani Ratih,Cindy Darmawan Regina,Gougui Ayoub


The current era of globalization is driving a lot of competition. Competition is increasing, but it is not balanced with available job openings and causes educated unemployment to increase. Educated unemployment is increasing and encouraging people to try professions to become entrepreneurs. Based on previous research, entrepreneurial creativity has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial spirit. The entrepreneurial creativity has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit, on the other side entrepreneurial mindset has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit. Research conducted emphasizes the impact of entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial spirit among undergraduate students in Surabaya. This research takes data. This data is taken from a private university in surabaya with management study program A accreditation with a total of seven private universities. Data obtained from distributed questionnaires 149 and returned 130 respondend with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The results showed that entrepreneurial creativity had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mindset had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial spirit. This research can be developed by adding entrepreneurial education, innovation, and career choice variables. This research can be applied to undergraduate student in Indonesia that have management study programs.


EDP Sciences

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