Functional Factors Related to Nursing Performance in Inpatient Installation


Watung Sjeddie R.


Nurses have a major role to play in providing timely, quality health services in hospitals. As nursing performance is directly related to patient outcomes in the inpatient installation, identifying factors related to nursing performance at various levels could contribute to improving those outcomes. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive design was employed with a convenience sample of 59 nurses having worked at least 6 months in the inpatient installation. Data collected using a questionnaire filled out by the employees themselves and data were analyzed univariately through frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis with chi-square test. The results of the study indicated that nurses have rated the following as below average:Motivation (β=0.036, P<0.01), competency (β=0.792, P<0.01), supervision (β=0.058, P<0.05), and workload (β=0.019, P<0.01) have significant effect on nursing performance. Conclusion: This study ighlighted that motivation, supervision, and workload were significant predictors of nursing performance. Hospital organization should give more attention to factors that contribute to organizational commitments to improve nursing performance.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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