Uspayanti Rezky,Bawawa Marni,Indriyani Novi
Humans have to adapt to the rapid change in technology. The oscillation occurs in all existing sectors, including the education sector. For instance, grammar, which was previously avoided, has now started to be noticed by students due to the development of technology. One of the technologies used in education is Padlet. Padlet is an application that is very easy to use and requires no special training. In contrast with most areas of Indonesia, which are already literate with the technology, in Papua, even though many students’ own laptops and smartphones, the teacher used the technology only for administrative purposes, not for supporting student learners. Hence, this research focuses on students' interest in using Padlet in grammar classes. This study was a qualitative research design, and the data was collected using a questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire and interview results showed that students showed a positive interest in learning English grammar using Padlet.