Kufelová Iveta,Raková Monika
The development of new technologies and innovation processes lead companies to improve their processes, resulting in new products all the time. Throughout the product life cycle, a firm incurs various costs related to the activities carried out in the pre-production, production and post-production phases. The essence of strategic management tools is to optimize costs throughout the product life cycle, focusing on the different stages. Such tools include target costing, kaizen and life cycle costing
Reference15 articles.
1. Fendeková E., Kufelová I.. Ceny a cenové rozhodovanie. Wolters Kluwer 2020, ISBN 978-80.7598-743-7. (2020)
2. Homburg C., Hoppe A., Schick R., Braul A.. Accounting for preference dependency in target costing – a note. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. doi:10.1007/s11156-021-00962-9. (2021)
3. Kita J., et al. Marketing. Jura Edition 2010. Prvé vydanie. 411 s. ISBN 978-808078.327-3. (2001)
4. Popesko B., Moderní metody řízení nákladu. Praha: Grada Publishing, 233 s. ISBN 9788024729749. (2009)