Growth Potential of the Market Force of Intermediary Structures


Kibik Olga,Kotlubay Viacheslav,Khaiminova Iuliia,Belous Kateryna


The aim of the study is to determine the extent and prospects development of market potential of intermediary structures using an example of waterway transport enterprises. Economic liberalization, development of international economic activity, fragmentation and distantness of suppliers and buyers as preconditions for development of intermediary business structures are determined. The main factors hindering the development of intermediary activities are identified, for instance, imperfect regulatory framework, insufficient intermediary’s professionalism, insecurity from intermediaries, low level of responsibility to counterparties, general distrust. Transport companies, in particular, the waterway transport enterprises, are identified as intermediaries that have a significant influence for development of individual economic agents and economic systems. Prospects for the development of sustainable mutually beneficial economic relations or the mutual benefit, the availability of effective information flow, a clear definition of roles, rights and obligations of the involved parties, mutual coordination of behaviour of intermediary structures and clients defined as the main conditions for development of effective interaction of intermediary structures of water transport and clients. In the matter of further studies, attention should be paid to improvement of strengthening mechanism for the responsibility of intermediary structures and clients.


EDP Sciences

Reference15 articles.







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