Analysis, forecasting, and management of indicators of the forest industry of the region


Ovchynikova Olena,Dupliak Olha


The article considers the theoretical and methodological foundations of forest industry research. The analysis of indicators of the forest industry of Khmelnytskyi region and Ukraine is carried out. To do this, a list of indicators and methods of their collection for the study of the forest industry. Since the state of ecology and forestry in Ukraine is not in the best condition, it is objectively necessary to use methods of economic and mathematical modeling of forest management, which would take into account environmental, economic and social factors, which will quickly implement the principles of sustainable development in forest management. The dynamics of forestry indicators is estimated. Models of dynamics of indicators of forest branch are developed; the received forecasts are analyzed and recommendations on forest management in the region are given. It is determined that with an increase in investment in the development of the forest industry by 1%, we can expect an increase in the volume of the logging market by 524632.5 points. The results of the study can serve as a basis for management decisions on the management of forestry indicators.


EDP Sciences

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