Integrating preparation for international exams into foreign language education curriculum at university


Fedorova Dina Vladimirovna,Pashneva Svetlana Alexandrovna,Klimentyeva Victoria Viktorovna,Klimentyev Dmitry Dmitrievich,Umerenkova Anna Valerievna


In order to increase competitiveness of graduates not only in our country, but abroad as well, the development of the higher education system in Russia requires qualitative changes in the content of language training of students who are to be capable of integration into the global multicultural community, academic mobility, independence and constant professional growth. In this regard, there arises a question whether the quality of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of foreign language communication may comply with the requirements of international standards. The article reflects the results of theoretical research and practical experience in international exams preparation as part of foreign language instruction provided by the Foreign Languages Faculty of Kursk State University thus substantiating the hypothesis that it is possible to optimize the development of skills and abilities necessary to successfully pass international exams if the subject-related tasks and exercises are designed in their format and offered both for in-class and self-study activities. The purpose hereof is to explore feasibility of implementing effective preparation for international language exams in class without interference with the major curriculum. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and testing of a model of the educational trajectory leading to the formation of the competencies that meet international standards of foreign language education in graduates, majoring in languages. Having applied classical research methods analysis of publications and accumulated methodological experience, trial learning and observation – the authors came to the conclusion that the proposed approach is feasible and productive.


EDP Sciences

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