Pereverzeva Marina V.,Davydova Anna A.,Zhilina Anna V.,Meleshkina Elena A.,Baidalinov Sergei N.
Preconditions of the research: in the course of implementation of federal program of digitalization of all areas of life, the digital format has been applied for education of musicians in higher schools. In this regard, the research objective is assessment of digitalization results of modern departments of music in Moscow universities (RSSU, MPGU), determination of prospects and issues of this process. The research was based on common methods of analysis: system analysis, instrumental and functional approaches, dialectic and comparative analysis, as well as sociological and statistic methods. Results: it is possible to conclude that in Russia digitalization of higher music education leads to improvement of its quality in total; provides higher level of mastering programs by students, expansion of range of acquired competences and opportunities to obtain high-quality education by broader range of people. Herewith, digitalization does not deprive art education of its inherently individualistic and practice-oriented approaches (individual lessons, independent creative work, rehearsals, etc.). The novelty of the work is comprised of substantiation of efficiency of digital educational environment in universities and departments of music, which is a promising approach promoting development of higher education in Russia and allowing to achieve qualitatively new level of music pedagogics. The practical significance of the work is in disclosure of problems of music education digitalization.
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