National systems of education as a factor of socio-economic development of the world countries under the conditions of digital society


Voskresenskaya Nina O.,Murav’eva Ludmila A.,Kurmanalieva Ainur D.


This work verifies the hypothesis, according to which the systems of upbringing and education, historically developed by different nations, are the factor determining the pattern of their socio-economic evolution and the level of life quality of population. In order to verify the hypothesis, two groups of world countries were highlighted with opposite performances of economic and humanitarian development. Comparative analysis of basic socio-economic parameters in these groups of countries as well as their adopted systems of upbringing and education revealed serious distinctions. For countries with a high level of economic and human development, the most important goal of the educational process is the purposeful development of the intellectual, emotional, and volitional characteristics of children; the task of acquiring specific work skills in early childhood is not set. In the courtiers with low level of development, the situation is opposite. The final conclusion is that the level of economic and human development of people is directly related with their national educational principles and traditions. It is possible to develop an educational model, optimum for successful national development, and to create required conditions for its distribution in the world using advanced digital technologies.


EDP Sciences

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