Barausova Elena,Lebedinskaya Yuliya,Nigay Evgeniya
In conditions of limited time, which is dictated by the modern rhythm of life, digital technologies are becoming one of the main tools for optimization and rationalization of all spheres of human activity. The use of modern digital technologies in the customs system is primarily aimed at increasing the efficiency of its activities. Properties such as quality, speed, transparency, generated with the help of information customs technologies, create prerequisites for stimulating Russia’s foreign economic activity and developing the national economy. However, at present, the Federal Customs Service has a number of problems that impede the development of digitalization of customs activities, due to external and internal factors, as well as contradictions in some of the tasks facing the customs authorities. Therefore, the task of analyzing the efficiency of the use of digital technologies in the activities of customs authorities becomes urgent.
The authors of the article proposed a methodological approach to assessing the efficiency of the use of digital technologies in the activities of customs authorities, which is based on assessing the quality of electronic customs services.
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2 articles.