Carlos Morales-Aranibar,Nataniel Linares,Tolomeo Soto,Luis Morales-Aranibar
Currently, energy and extraction activities generate large amounts of highly polluting waste, so there is a need for sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies. The aim of the study is to treat mining tailings and fly ash through the process of geopolymerization. The samples studied were obtained from the Toquepala mine, Tacna and from the ENGIE-Moquegua hydroelectric plant (Peru). The methodology was based on two stages, the first characterization of Fly Ash (FA) and mine tailings (MT) by EDX chemical characterization, SEM morphology, the second was prepared mixtures of MT and FA in 10 M alkaline solution, cured in 35 days at room temperature and the characterization of the geopolymer by organoleptic analysis, SEM and TCLP. The first stage shows high aluminosilicate content 20.44% Al2O3 and 53.39 % SiO2 for (MT); 22.11% Al2O3 and 51.76% SiO2 for (FA), presents metal and pyrite content. In the second stage, the samples show health and environmental harmlessness, with the formation of tetragonal structures typical of the geopolymer, the samples show a significant reduction of Sr, Ca, Fe, Pb, Ba, Be, and Cu, demonstrating the effectiveness of treatment by means of geopolymerization opening a new field for the environmental passive treatment.
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