1. Lueth Patience LamunuOpiyo, (2008), The architectural design studio as a learning environment: a qualitative exploration of architecture design student learning experiences in design studios from first-through fourth-year, Iowa State University.
2. Downloading at September 29, 2017: http://www.chabotcollege.edu/searchresults.asp?q=i nternship+architecture&imageField.
3. Downloading at September 30, 2017: https://ar.itb.ac.id/2010/12/13/studio-perancangan-arsitektur/
4. UIA Accord On Recommended International Standards Of Professionalism In Architectural Practice Ammended August 2014 At The Xxvi General Assembly (Durban, South Africa 2014)
5. Downloading at September 30, 2017: http://www.iai.or.id/sertifikasi/13kompetensi