Digital Workplace and E-Leadership at the University of Riau’s Civic Education Study Program


Mahdum Mahdum,Hadriana Hadriana,Primahardani Indra,Muryanti Muryanti


This study aims to investigate the contribution of the digital workplace to the e-leadership of the academic community at the Civic Education Study Program, University of Riau. To do so, 124 people comprising lecturers (N=10) and students (N=114) were selected as samples. The experiences of participants were documented using questionnaire surveys which were divided into three parts. Part A and B were 4-Likert scale questions aimed at digital workplace and e-leadership, respectively, while part C contained some open questions regarding obstacles, strategies, and hopes in ICT use. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS Based on the statistical analysis, it was found that there was a strong correlation between the digital workplace and e-leadership. While most of the respondents were facing difficulties in using ICT due to the lack of facilities, familiarity, and security, they mentioned that they had tried any possible measures to address these issues by themselves. Therefore, it is expected that the institution could support them through the improvement of ICT facilities and training.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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