Widyaningrum Ratna,Prihastari Ema Butsi
Local Wisdom-Integrated Project-Based Learning is an innovative learning that emphasizes complex inquiry-based activities to solve problems. The application of this model supports the attainment of the concept of independent learning, which includes students’ learning on their own initiative in identifying learning needs, formulating learning objectives, identifying learning resources, selecting and determining learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes. The aims of this study are: 1) to determine the effect of the model on students’ learning independence, 2) to find out how effective the model is to students’ learning independence, 3) to analyse students’ learning independence, and 4) to analyse the factors that influence students’ learning independence. The research method used in this study is mixed methods with a sequential explanatory design. The sequential explanatory method is a type of mixed method. For this study, the first stage uses quantitative methods, while the second stage uses qualitative methods. The population and the sample are the 6th-semester students, selected through a total sampling technique. The first stage will be implementing the project-based learning model in lectures and testing hypotheses related to the effect of the project-based learning model on students’ learning independence. Learning independence data was obtained through a questionnaire and tested using the paired sample t-test and N-Gain. The second stage is research by collecting qualitative data related to the implementation of the project-based learning model and students’ learning independence. The results of this research are: 1) There is an effect of implementing the project-based learning model on students’ learning independence, 2) The project-based learning model is effective in increasing students’ learning independent, 3) The increase in N-Gain is in the medium category, 4) Factors that influence students’ learning independence include learning motivation, learning facilities, and lecturers’ learning models/methods.
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