Development of the health-preserving competence of a physical education teacher based on the knowledge about influenza and bronchitis prevention


Fedorets Vasyl M.,Yevtuch Mykola B.,Klochko Oksana V.,Kravets Nina P.,Grynyov Roman S.


The article presents the methodology and methods of improving the health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher under conditions of postgraduate education based on the knowledge of prevention of acute bronchitis, COVID-19 influenza and acute respiratory diseases. The “Disciplinary and methodological matrix of health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher” is used, which includes such developed “integrated disciplines” as Pathopedagogy, Propaedeutics of Health and Health Therapy. The matrix is aimed at professionalisation, methodologisation, technologisation, anthropologisation, axiologisation of the health-preserving competence of a teacher. The “Methodology of developing health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher based on the knowledge of prevention of acute bronchitis, influenza and acute respiratory diseases” is used. The methodology is based on the competence approach, the above-mentioned matrix, problem-based and flipped learning, andragogy, game, maieutic and dialogic methods, the use of pedagogical tasks, the Hellenistic concept of "self-care" and others. In this methodology, knowledge, values and practical health-preserving strategies are hierarchised with the singling out of three levels – A, B and C. Level A is obligatory, and levels B and C are given less attention. An experimental study was conducted the result of which determined the effectiveness of this method. These methodology and method are humanistic and ecocentric and consistent with the ideas and sustainable development goals.


EDP Sciences

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