“Ethnic paradox of modernity” and the liberal civil nation in the horizon of globalization: “challenge” and “response”


Maltsev Konstantin,Alaverdyan Artem,Maltseva Anni


The “ethnic paradox of modernity”, the explosive growth of fundamentalist nationalist ideologies and extremist nationalist political movements are increasingly regarded as a challenge to the modern global political order - the need for an adequate “response” to this “challenge” is recognized. The dominant economic paradigm in liberal social science (J. Agamben), which presents the reality of the global order, sets a perspective: the answer must demonstrate loyalty to the foundations of “liberal metaphysics”, and at the same time confirm their validity in the changed constellation of socio-historical circumstances. On the basis of a free public discussion (rational communicative action) and through the available institutions, on the basis of a liberal “value consensus” that is not subject to revision, a constant search for balances (K. Schmitt) regarding the interests through legal political compromises (F.R. Ankersmit) designed to remove the antagonisms of “national conflicts” shall be conducted. Revealing the conditions for the possibility and boundaries of the liberal strategy of removing antagonisms presupposes the interpretation of the concept of a civil nation, the political project of which is seen as a response to the challenge of “nationalist fundamentalism”.


EDP Sciences

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