Personal and professional development of the individual in the civil service of the Russian Federation


Sepiashvili Ekaterina Nikolaevna,Maltseva Tatyana Vyacheslavna,Sumina Ekaterina Anatolyevna,Bashlueva Natalya Nikolaevna,Bashlueva Mariya Andreevna


The presence of professional highly qualified personnel in the civil service, together with modern information technologies, is possible thanks to the existence of a democratic state governed by the rule of law. The professional activity of civil servants acts as a subsystem within the civil service system. The study of the peculiarities of personal and professional development of the individual in the civil service will contribute to the disclosure of the psychological mechanisms of this process, the resolution of a number of pressing questions about the methods and possibilities of optimizing professional and personal development, which in turn will contribute to improving labour efficiency. To study the features of personal and professional development of the individual in the Russian Federation Civil Service. Survey among civil servants and comparative analysis of the results obtained in all study groups; statistical processing of the results. 120 respondents took part in the study: federal-state civil servants (40 people) and civil servants of other types (80 people). The main problems and features of personal and professional development of the individual in the civil service of the Russian Federation are identified and the main directions of optimization of the studied process are determined. The process of personal and professional development of civil servants, as will be shown in this study, is an overall result of the professional education and additional professional education, including retraining, advanced training, and internships. The main directions of optimization of the studied process are the following: improving scientific, methodological, and organizational support; increasing the motivation for professional activity and career advancement; improving the efficiency of additional professional education; developing a program for personal and professional self-development; introducing additional forms and technologies for improving professional skills of state civil servants.


EDP Sciences

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