A review of driver cognitive load detection using ECG signals


Tjolleng Amir,Dyota Pramudita Nyoman


Detection of the driver’s cognitive load while driving is crucial to prevent the likelihood of traffic collisions and improve road safety. A physiological-based approach has gained significant attention due to its potential to provide reliable indicators for the driver’s state. The physiological signal of electrocardiography (ECG) is considered a promising biomarker for detecting the driver’s cognitive load. Despite the interest in cognitive load detection using ECG, an attempt has yet to be made to identify the relationship between ECG measures and driver cognitive load level. This paper seeks to investigate this gap in cognitive load literature. The finding demonstrates that further research is still needed on ECG-based driver’s cognitive load detection by examining and analyzing the limitations of research challenges and earlier studies. This study also addresses the performance and problems faced in the detection of a driver’s cognitive load considering ECG. With a better understanding of how cognitive load affects ECG measures, both researchers and companies can design more effective driver’s state detection systems.


EDP Sciences

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