Utilization of Luffa for Acoustic Panel on Interior Wall, A Technical and Perceptual Approach


Ayu Roro,Mulyono Ambar,Purwandaru Pandu


Luffa Cylindrica is one of Indonesia’s biodiversity, which provides several benefits, such as for making handycraft, cleaning tool and event for building materials. This study aims to investigate the ability of Luffa as a sound absorber and its visual impression when applied to interior walls. The first stage is testing the damping ability of panels made of Luffa. Several specimens of Luffa acoustic panels were made with PVAc adhesive and then tested to determine their damping ability. From the test results using the impedance tube method (ASTME1050-12), the samples met the soundproof requirements with an absorption coefficient of 0.15 - 0.206 at a frequency of 1600 Hz. The lost sound transmission values obtained are in the range of 40-60 dB. Thus, Luffa can be used as a good sound-absorbing material. The next stage is the development of the visual design of the panel so that it has a certain aesthetic or perceptual value. Three designs were made with variations in shape and color into nine samples applied to a wall of interior space. The semantic differential method assessment found that simple and decorative impressions dominated when the panel was applied to interior walls.


EDP Sciences

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